Gabe's Blog
Caution, this blog is extremely serious and important.
Title-Bring Up Part 2: PCB, QMK, USB, LOL? Date-2020/10/31
Abstract-In this post I finish bringing up the first prototype board for
Title-Bring Up Date-2020/10/14
Abstract-Bringing up the first Keyboard Design PCB.
Title-Blender RTX Date-2020/07/05
Abstract-Building a computer to run Blender on Linux with an Nvidia RTX card.
Tags- blender
Title-Digital Sound Date-2019/01/13
Abstract-In this post we cover the two major components of digital sound: sample rate and bit depth.
Tags- tutorial synthesizer
Title-What Is Sound Date-2019/01/09
Abstract-In this post we're going to talk about the basics of sound, how you hear it, and how to make it.
Tags- tutorial synthesizer
Title-Building a Synthesizer: Overview Date-2019/01/09
Abstract-An overview of what we'll cover in the build a synthesizer series. All you need to know before hand is basic programming.
Tags- tutorial
Title-Creating Custom Footprints For KiCad Date-2018/12/29
Abstract-For my synthesizer project I want to create a musical keyboard of touch buttons with silkscreen art. This post covers how to create intricate PCB components in Inkscape and then import and use them in KiCad.
Tags- kicad tutorial synthesizer
Title-STM32 Getting Started Date-2018/12/21
Abstract-How to get started programming an STM32 microcontroller on Ubuntu 18.04.
Tags- stm32 tutorial
Title-First Post Date-2018/12/21
Abstract-I'm giving blogging a whirl. Mostly it's for keeping notes but maybe I'll write something useful along the way.
Tags- first mergenthaler hugo